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Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters’ Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Renovation


Clancy & Theys Construction Company was the general contractor for the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Renovation in The Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters.

When a child is sick and requires special treatment families in Hampton Roads turn to the Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters (CHKD) for help. The hospital, which is solely dedicated to caring for children, was in desperate need of a complete renovation to their outdated Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). Located on the third floor of the hospital, work on the 15,000 SF PICU included demolition and reconfiguration of the mechanical and electrical systems within the space and integrating the reconfiguration of the medical gas and vacuum systems necessary for the installation of medical equipment booms. Work was phased to allow the PICU to remain operational, as well as the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) on the above floor to remain occupied during renovations. Work was accomplished with tight restrictions on noise, odor, dust, and vibrations.

The interior was designed to create a more efficient workflow for the staff and a more positive environment for the patients and their families. The PICU department was fully gutted to create larger rooms. The new rooms were transformed from old curtain bay areas that had no privacy to completely private, spacious rooms that include private restrooms and family seating areas. The new rooms were also designed to accommodate isolation of patients if required. The installation of the medical equipment booms was a key component and involved significant coordination between the team and the vendor. This new equipment provides staff with easy access to the needed equipment, while minimizing disruptions and movement of the child. The old nurses’ station was completely demolished and rebuilt on the same centralized footprint. The position of the rooms relative to the centralized nurses’ station provides patients, family and visitors clear views of the nurses and the calming, changing lights above. The modernized nurses’ station was further refined to accommodate dedicated docking areas for the equipment away from the path of travel.

Project Details
Client: Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters
Location: Norfolk, VA
Architect: PF&A Design
Size: 15,000 SF
Key Engineers:
Vansant & Gusler, Inc
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