Although we work with a variety of partners across virtually every trade, we still possess both the people and the equipment to self-perform work. This includes demolition, grading/earthwork, excavation and backfill, concrete foundations and slabs, carpentry and wood blocking, and general labor both for cleanup and to supplement interior contractors. However, we never compete against our trade partners. We will only self perform in certain cases with agreement from the owner.

Valuable Resources in Grading and Earthwork
A valuable resource for some projects may be our grading and earthwork capacity. Whether we self-perform the work or not, we have the computer tools and experience that allow us to provide cut/fill analysis to help optimize grades and check subcontractor assumptions made during competitive bidding on the grading. We shape our schedule and sequencing decisions based on our understanding of the site work and our significant knowledge of the soils and subsurface conditions in this area.